otherRegisters.main.otherreg_title https://pakalpojumi.pvd.gov.lv/lv/ipvd/other_registers/folders
- Laboratories
Latvian approved and registered establishments
Lists of approved establishments in the veterinary field
- [XLSX]: Ovine and caprine semen collection centres
- [XLSX]: Assembly centres
- [XLSX]: Bovine semen collection centres
- [XLSX]: Wild animal bodies, institutes and centres (Council Directive 92/65/EEK, Annex C)
- [XLSX]: Dealers
- [XLSX]: Control points for domestic animals (Council regulations 1255/97 and 1/2005)
- [XLSX]: Register of aquaculture production businesses aprroved under Council Directive 2006/88/EEC
- [XLSX]: Bovine semen storage centres
- [XLSX]: Porcine semen collection centres
- [XLSX]: Ovine and caprine semen storage centres
- [XLSX]: Establishments for poultry
- List of establishments in accordance with Section A to Chapter V to Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 (TSE Regulation)
- Lists of other approved and registered establishments
Lists of approved and registered plans handling animal by-products (Reg. 1069/2009)
- [XLSX]: Section I - Establishments or plants carrying out intermediate activities and plants storing animal by-products
- [XLSX]: Section II - Storage plants
- [XLSX]: Section III - Incineration / co-incineration / combustion plants
- [XLSX]: Section IV - Processing plants
- [XLSX]: Section V - Oleo-chemical plants
- [XLSX]: Section VI - Biogas plants
- [XLSX]: Section VII - Composting plants
- [XLSX]: Section VIII - Petfood plants
- [XLSX]: Section IX - Establishments or plants handling animal by-products or derived products for purposes outside the feed chain
- [XLSX]: Section X - Registered users of animal by-products and derived products for specific purposes
- [XLSX]: Section XI - Collection centres
- [XLSX]: Section XII - Establishments or plants manufacturing organic fertilisers or soil improvers
- [XLSX]: Section XIII - Other registered operators.xlsb
Lists of approved food establishments of animal origin
- [XLSX]: Approved establishments for the production and repackaging of food supplements of animal origin
- [XLSX]: Approved establishments of food production for infants and children
- [XLSX]: Section 0 - General activity establishments
- [XLSX]: Section I - Meat of domestic ungulates
- [XLSX]: Section II - Meat from poultry and lagomorphs
- [XLSX]: Section III - Meat of farmed game
- [XLSX]: Section IV - Wild game meat
- [XLSX]: Section V - Minced meat, meat preparations and mechanically separated meat
- [XLSX]: Section VI - Meat products
- [XLSX]: Section VII - Live bivalve moluscs
- [XLSX]: Section VIII - Fishery products
- [XLSX]: Section IX - Raw milk and dairy products
- [XLSX]: Section X - Eggs and egg products
- [XLSX]: Section XI - Frogs legs and snails
- [XLSX]: Section XII - Rendered animal fats and greaves
- [XLSX]: Section XIII - Treated stomachs, bladders and intestines
- [XLSX]: Section XIV - Gelatine
- [XLSX]: Section XV - Collagen
Lists of approved establishments in the veterinary field
- List of approved natural mineral waters in Republic of Latvia
- Other sources
Information about registers in the Latvian language
List of other FVS supported registers available in Latvian version of homepage.